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The Trespasser = Нарушитель: на англ.яз - Lawrence D.H.

The Trespasser = Narushitel': na angl.iaz

Lawrence D.H. (Lawrence D.H.)

Type : Books

SKU: VV1095425
ISBN: 9785521072033

Pages: 288
Format: 0
Cover: Paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Т8 RUGRAM (T8 RUGRAM)

Your Price: $29.36

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David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and literary critic, one of the key writers of the early twentieth century, most famous for his criticism of rationalism and industrialization. "The Trespasser" is the second Lawrence's novel, and it tells the story of Siegmund, a violinist, who is married to Beatrice and has kids. He falls in love with a younger musician Helena, spends a week with her, and after returning home realizes, that he cannot choose between her or Beatrice and the children.

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